I guess that settles it then. Cuz, you know, she put a bunch of exclamation points and stuff.
A.M. Number 1
JoinedPosts by A.M. Number 1
Jehovah's Witnesses DO NOT break up families
by irondork injehovah's witnesses do not break up families.
members who refuse to become or remain jehovah's witnesses... break up families.. really, you apostates have such a distorted perception of reality.. .
Has the rescent change in the identity of the FDS been released in print yet
by A.M. Number 1 injust wondering what wt issue has actually put it down in print.
i know that some of my jw frineds already know about it, but they didn't tell me if it was an announcement at the hall or actually in the wt..
A.M. Number 1
Just wondering what WT issue has actually put it down in print. I know that some of my JW frineds already know about it, but they didn't tell me if it was an announcement at the hall or actually in the WT.
About what one thing do you find yourself being a real SNOB?
by Terry inyou know, to fit in....to be a part of our own family or group and not be a total nerd or contrarian.. we hold our tongue.
we smile and nod.. but, then....there is at least one thing we just can't go along with because it is too important.. why?
because we are a total snob.
A.M. Number 1
MUSIC. I am God in music.
Why are atheists so intent on scorning "believers"?
by Chariklo inuntil recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
A.M. Number 1
I see it the other way. it is theists, religionists etc, that send out missionaries and try and convert other people even threatening death and all sorts of punishment if everyone doesn't believe like them. Not atheists. Any bagging on theists by atheists is so small in comparison to thousands of years of outright genocide against atheists on the part of the God believers. This is really therefore a ridiculous argument that completely ignores history of religion. If atheists started genociding theists then you might have a point, but atheists are usually too ethical to do that. They are literally too good for God apparently.
My Near Death Experience
by Dogpatch inhi y'all, just wanted to let you know i was out for a stroll on my bicycle for exercise last week and got hit by a car 100 yards from my house.
it was a hit and run.
i got up with only minor bruises but felt really dizzy and asked one of my roommates to take me to the hospital as i was dizzy and felt i was going to pass out on the spot in the middle of the street.
A.M. Number 1
"The greater damage was done by the freeloader in the end."
What does that mean? Do you mean you were hit by a front end loader"
Songs that make you cry
by sooner7nc inthere have been several threads about music the last few days, so i decided to start another.. this song absolutely makes me tear up every time i hear it.. .
A.M. Number 1
It's only time by Magnetic Fields, the most beautiful song ever written by far...
Songs that make you cry
by sooner7nc inthere have been several threads about music the last few days, so i decided to start another.. this song absolutely makes me tear up every time i hear it.. .
to date JWism has defined my life and i hate that TRUTH
by oompa inand i am finding the adjustment to the real world far more difficult than i ever imagined...i f...it has been about five years since i totally woke up to the fraudulant nwt and then all my other doubts i had carried for years were proved true as well.
but almost all of my few friends are exjw or slack jw's and i feel so isolated...my sons friends are mostly exjw too but not their gf's and they have way more normal friends .
how have you done at replacing lifelong friends and family?
A.M. Number 1
I just want to say that I am in a very similar situation as OOMPA. I am also so alone and I have lost hundreds of family members who are JWs and hundreds of friends. Even some worldly friends have heard of my disfellowshipping and sided with the JWs. I noticed recently my sisters are facebook friends with several of my worldly friends that I grew up with in school. I don't know what they are telling them, but the vibe is cool, as in cold, not as in fun. I recently lost a friend on this board who practically put an ex JW hit on me, has posted lies and insinuations and has worked over time to further ruin my reputation. People are so mean. And cruel. They don't just hurt you, they destroy you and keep stamping on your face until you are smashed to bits. I don't deserve the shit in my face that I have gotten from so many people. I am not a criminal and have never really hurt anybody. But people love to shit on me. I've been homeless a cou-le of times and have been unemployed for almost two years now, yet one fello on this board quite famous has put it out there that I am a grifter. so the murder of me continues even with the exJWs. people just taste blood when they are near me. I must have sweet blood. They all come to feast on my carcass. I really do have no one who keeps track of me. If I offed myself noone on this board would even know, and my body would only be discovered when a stench would come out from my apratment, that is if I still have an apsrtment at the end of this month. Of course even to say that truth about my situation, famous exJW, once a hero to me, will tell you I am just trying to grift money from you.Life really does suck for a lot of us. Someone kill me now, please. It would really be a loving kindness to murder me. If in life I am not wanted, why keep me alive? Mercy please.
Most interesting chat with an annointed JW today
by A.M. Number 1 inwe sat in a mc donalds talking for the last 2 hours.
she made some very interesting claims like:.
god magically takes thoughts from her head and puts them in the watchtower magazine.
A.M. Number 1
she did not have dementia. She was sharp as a tack, looked me right in the eye with everything she said. She was very pushy and kind of loud too. tried to monopolize the conversation...
Most interesting chat with an annointed JW today
by A.M. Number 1 inwe sat in a mc donalds talking for the last 2 hours.
she made some very interesting claims like:.
god magically takes thoughts from her head and puts them in the watchtower magazine.
A.M. Number 1
We sat in a Mc Donalds talking for the last 2 hours. She made some very interesting claims like:
God magically takes thoughts from her head and puts them in the Watchtower magazine
She described her day of being annointed in almost the exact language I use when I tell of my experience getting saved. She says she experienced death, she actually thought she was dying just as she was about to get baptised at a convention.
She said annointed ones don't like to talk about these experiences for some reason. she spoke of seeing a great light and feeling her forehead on fire as God "sealed" or "branded her forehead, marked as a slave apparently.
She is still working on her salvation however by preaching.
She is 78 years young. Spoke of the Holocaust quite a bit, looks Jewish.
She also feels her thoughts going out of her head and entering into the mouths of elders and Governing Body members.
So I guess, if you have a problem with ther Watchtower, she is one to blame.
She was very frustrated with me because I asked her many questions.
She said that the New World Translation was taken directly from another Bible but wouldn't say which one. That was interesting.
She said since she can not go to New York for the annual meeting that is why God must take her thoughts and put them in the Watchtower.
She really appeared to believe her own BS. Not sure if that makes her crazy, but I think she was crazy. She was nice though, a nice old lady.